Terms of Service

Terms of Service

Publication date: “24” August 2022

General conditions

This Internet resource https://2nite.online (hereinafter referred to as the “Site”), including all information and pages, isproperty
of IE In Besarab, created and operated under the laws of Georgia, identification
number 345648203, registered at Georgia, Batumi, Tamar Mepe Avenue, N 22a, Apartment N143 (hereinafter referred to as “Contractor“)

These Terms of Use ( Terms) apply to all users and persons who have access to
Site (hereinafter Visitors to).

The terms you, your refer to to you, like to Visitor, а terms Contractor, we, us, and our refer to
to IE Ina Besarab.

Getting accessing or using Site, you agree to с compliance with the Terms and Conditions, privacy policy, and other
The terms and conditions applicable to. to the Site.

If you not Agree с Terms, policy Privacy Policy и other terms and conditions и terms and conditions,
applicableapplicable to to the Site, you are kindly requested to stop accessing access and use of the Site.

Users and Visitors

After paying services to hold a distance learning class.you become User and conclude with the Contractor Agreement on rendering services for conducting distant lessons, presented by here: https://2nite.online/oferta/

If you refuse to use services, to you, as Visitor, в according to с Terms and Conditionsand, become accesses certain
publicly available materials on the Site.

Visitors are people who do not use our services, but who would like to use the Site.

Visitors’ rights and obligations

Visitors to right browse и use certain publicly available materials of without
charging for personal non-commercial use.

By providing you with access to the Site, the Contractor is not obligated to do it or maintain Website at working condition, and
reserves the right to modify the Site, limit its operation or terminate your access to the Site.

You understand and agree that we may limit your access to Website at your discretion и without
prior notice.

Visitors are required to comply with applicable laws when using the Site, as well as the provisions of the Terms.

Visitors are not allowed:

use The website and its materials in a manner that, in violation of the Terms and Conditions or applicable law;

use The website and its materials for commercial purposes;

violate or try violate normal the operation of Site.

In addition to Among other things, Visitors to are prohibited from use malicious SOFTWARE or devices with aim to maliciously
gaining access to data, forbidden collection or transfer of information by information byhacking, data mining, stealing passwords, etc.

Rights to results intellectual rights to the results of intellectual activity

Performer owns all rights to the Site, in particular by all pertaining to to him audio and videos, photos, illustrations, images, logos, texts, information, materials and any copyrighted or otherwise legally protected elements of the Site, including but not limited to any copyrights, trademarks, patent rights and/or other intellectual property rights.

You may not reproduce, modify, play, display, post, or transmit to any third party
or whichor otherwise use the Site, including, including, without limitation, any of the aforementioned materials, without further
written permission of the Contractor

Using our trademark trademark or any other materials of the site strictly forbidden, unless not allowed to the contrary.

You have been notified that the Contractorwill defend its results intellectual activities in full extent stipulated by law.


The Privacy Policy is available at: https://2nite.online/privacy-policy/, and [
applies to your access to use the Site.

Performer must cooperate and comply with all government requests, respond to to all judicial
subpoenas, decrees, and the Executive has the right to ensure the inviolability of such activities.

In consideration of this fact, you are hereby notified that that, that Contractor can disclose personal
information on registered users and materials, disclosure which government authority or court deem
necessary at based on written requests, judicial subpoenas and, among other things, decrees.


In the cases prescribed by applicable law , the Contractor officially renounces from: (1) any
direct and indirect warranties and representations, including warranties merchantability merchantability for whator purpose or absence
violations; (2) any liability or obligation regarding the reliability of content and any informationinformation,
available on the Site; (3) any liability or obligation regarding any harm, caused by в as a result of
to access the information on the Site.

The Site and the MaterialsMaterials are provided as they are as they are available and to the extent possible.

does not warrant or represent that, That: (1) Website or materials will match your
personal requirements or expectations; (2) The Site will be uninterrupted, timely, secure and error-free.


Performer nor under under any under any circumstances not bears The following applies to any damages arising out of or in connection with
as a result of the use or inability to use the Site, outside of regardless of regardless of whether or not were whether you informed о of the likelihood of such damages.

The Liability Shield

You agree to hold the Contractor harmless and its officers and employees, as well as to compensate her for any losses, losses, and also any costs and expenses, in in particular royalties Lawyers, any other expenses for legal services, directly or indirectly caused by your violations Conditions.


The site may contain downloadable content as well as links to external sites or resources provided by third parties.

Such downloadable content, links or resources are provided solely for your convenience.

Performernot cannot control and not bears any responsibility for material on third-party sites or resources.

All such content is the sole responsibility of of the person or organization distributing such content.

When accessing any third-party sites linked to this Site, you do so at your own risk and in accordance with the terms of use of such sites.


Materials displayed on the Site may include technical, typographical or other errors.

does not guarantee that the materials on the Site are authentic, complete or up-to-date.

Performermay make changes in materials, located on Site, at any time time without prior notice.


reserves the right to restrict or terminate your access to the Site by blocking your IP

address without notice or obligation.

Any illegal, fraudulent or abusive activity, infringement of intellectual property rights or the Terms,
is grounds for restricting or terminating your access to the Site.

Applicable law and dispute resolution

Terms governed by and interpreted by in according to with laws Georgia.

All disagreements and disputes, arising from or in in connection with of or in connection with the Terms and Conditionswill be resolved by negotiation as follows

The aggrieved Party will send a written complaint to the other Party by email;

If, in flow Fifteen (15) calendar days, Victim Side not get answer or The Parties not reach an agreement, the aggrieved party may send a lawsuit in court.

If suit brought by against Executor in Georgia, the process will take place in the Batumi City Court.


Contractoraccepts reasonable measures to ensuring performance and availability of the Site.

However, there may be However, there may be occasions when access to the Site may be interrupted or impossible.

We apply all reasonable efforts, to minimize such violations, if their resolution will be in our power..

You agree with that, that we not not responsibility for any modification, suspension or discontinuance of the Site.

You are responsible for obtaining access to the Site and forany payments to third parties included there in such as services
(Internetprovider). You are responsibility for such payments.

You must also provide all necessary equipment to access the Site.

Other provisions

reserves the right at any time and at The Contractor reserves the right, at any time and in its sole discretion, to modify, amend, add or delete provisions of Conditions, including Provisions о Privacy.

Terms are mandatory for you, and you are obligated to to check them periodically for any changes.

By continuing to access or use the Site, following any changes made, you accept and agree to any
such changes.

You may not transfer or assign the Terms and obtained in connection with rights rights, whether in whole or in part.

The executor
leaves for itself the right to transfer its rights and obligations under the Terms and Conditions.

In case discrepancies between Russian and English version of Terms, version Terms at English language has
prevailing force.

And he exhaustive nature of the agreement

Terms, Provision about Privacy and Agreement about of distance learning services form
general agreement between the contractor
and by you with respect to Site, and supersedes all previous and current oral and written understandings, agreements, representations and warranties with respect to the Site.

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