Privacy policy

Privacy policy

By using the website of IE Ina Besarab (identification number: 345648203; address: Georgia, Batumi, Tamar Mepe Avenue, N 22a, Apartment N143), (here and after the “Seller”), do hereby authorize the Seller to:

a) process my personal data and/or personal data of third parties submitted by me, including the special category data in order to comply with the relevant contractual or legislative obligations.

b) make the presented procurement-related information (validity, status, price, etc.) in the electronic form available to its employee, the relevant account manager or agent, who need access to such information in the performance of their duties and / or the seller’s relevant contractual or legislative obligations.

c) process the information provided by me for the purposes of direct marketing, as well as to transfer the said data to related (affiliated), interdependent companies / individuals for the same purposes.

However, I hereby confirm that:

d) in the case of a third party purchaser (owner), including special category data (if the payer and the item recipient are different) informing and voluntarily consenting to the data subjects for the processing of their personal data by the seller will serve as the basis for delivery of such special category data by me to the Seller and I am fully responsible for the transfer of the said data to the seller;

e) I have complete information about data processing and my rights as a data subject under the Law of Georgia on Personal Data Protection, in particular, receiving information from my data processor about processing my data, correcting, updating, adding, blocking, deleting and destroying data.

f) My personal data/the Principal’s personal data will be processed by the seller only for the period that is necessary for the purpose of processing the data, however, I am informed of the restriction of the right to refuse my consent to the performance of monetary obligations and that I have the right to receive information from the company about the data processed about me / the trustee, request their correction, update, addition, blocking, deletion and destruction by sending a written message to the legal address of the company, by calling the phone number of the company (+995591064285) or by sending an e-mail to the company’s e-mail address: [email protected].

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