How to write a resume in English to get hired

How to write a resume in English to get hired

How to write a resume in English to get hired

Написать привычное нам резюме на русском, перевести его на английский и получать много предложений по работе – не получится. Вероятность того, что хорошая компания дочитает его до конца сильно стремится к нулю.

Что делать, чтобы этого не случилось, читайте в нашей статье!

The first step to a strong resume is understanding the difference between our resumes and foreign resumes.

Their difference is as follows:

  • all of our summaries begin with nouns and adjectives, and there are also many pronouns;
  • the basis of summaries in English are verbs, where there is no place for “I, I have, mine,” etc.
  • Speaking of resumes, there are three different concepts to keep in mind:
    1) CV – a detailed file with information about you on 2-3 pages;
    2) Cover letter – a kind of cover letter;
    3) Resume – a brief version of the CV, which indicates the most important things about you.

Also, some people are concerned about what foreign and non-foreign employers pay attention to. And above all – on a well-written resume.

Keep in mind that each company (whether it is foreign or not) has its own selection criteria. Of course, they’ll look at what’s relevant to them right now. And the right skills can be searched for almost through a job search.

So focus on the content of your resume, which includes:

Contact Information – Contact Information

Your full name (first and last name)
Your job title (desired position)
Phone number
Personal email address (mail)
(Optionally) LinkedIn profile (link to LinkedIn is optional)
(Optionally) Professional website (website link is optional)
(Optionally) Other social media handles (links to other media are optional)

All of these points do not need to be added. Leave those directly related to the desired position.

Examples of contact information:

Business card – Personal profile

Here should be very brief information about yourself: what you can do, did etc. Remember that the pronouns “I, at me, mine, etc.” in English resumes are not welcome.

Sometimes this point is omitted, and this is normal.

Examples of business cards:

Work Experience – Work Experience

You can add more text in this section. The content will be individual, which depends on the job. Be sure to include the following:

-position (position) you have held;
-company name/freelance;
The following words may appear: Ltd./LLC/Corporation/ Inc.
-No more than six points of your responsibilities or achievements;
-statistics (everyone loves numbers), which confirms your achievements (if such is). But this information in text only, without any screenshots.

Examples of work experience descriptions:

  • supported
  • Helped – helped
  • supported
  • created – created
  • received – received
  • developed – developed
  • established – installed
  • managed – managed
  • made – made
  • analyzed – analyzed
  • took a role in – participated in
  • participated in – participated in
  • focused on – focused on
  • implemented – realized
  • Opened – opened
  • processed – processed
  • communicated – communicated
  • Coordinated with – coordinated with
  • arranged – agreed
  • strategized – developed a strategy
  • (was) responsible for
  • prepared – prepared
  • presented – presented
  • Appreciated.

Remember, past verbs (created) or the use of gerunds (learning) are important in this paragraph

Education – Education

Items that are needed here:

  • Graduation date
  • Your degree (level of education)
  • The name of the institution

Vocabulary you may need:

  • master of/master’s degree in – master’s degree
  • bachelor of/bachelor’s degree in – Bachelor’s degree
  • undergraduate – student
  • postgraduate – graduate student
  • to be completed/expected+date – to be completed + date

Skills – Skills

Here we need to talk about hard and soft skills, because. they are all very important. You don’t have to make them up or just assign them to yourself. Point out what is actually there:

  • 4-8 skills that fit your job;
  • How much you know about it is not necessary;
  • examples of how you put them into practice – not necessarily

Hard-skills will be different for everyone. For example:

  • Analyzing
  • Creativity – creativity
  • Adaptability
  • Leadership – leadership qualities
  • Flexibility
  • Drawing conclusions –
  • Troubleshooting – searching for problems
  • Delegation
  • Time management – time management
  • Work-life balance – work-life balance
  • Friendliness – Friendliness
  • Negotiating
  • Public speaking – speaking in public
  • Conflict resolution – conflict resolution
  • Reliability – reliability
  • Respectfulness
  • Patience
  • Problem-solving – problem solving
  • Teamwork/Team player/Collaboration – team player

Examples of bad and good resumes

An even closer lead to your dream job is a comparison of good resumes and not so good ones. So you can see the difference and understand what to emphasize and what to remove.

Not a very good resume.

1. a person puts his soft-skills first, not hard skills on his business card. And also the use of “I” in sentences.
2. Too many points in the description of the experience. Also confusion with verbs (then in the past, then the use of gerunds) and plus all the use of nouns.
3. skills are scattered all over the resume
4. no education specified
5. the design is for amateurs

Not a very good resume.

1. the use of “I” in every sentence, where in addition there is a grammatical error.
2. No work experience or what this person has done
3. Basically, the design of the resume is rather dry and a little unclear.

Good summary.

1. clearly and to the point about your professional skills and accomplishments.
2. observance of all grammatical rules
3. well-structured. HR specialist can easily find the information he needs, for example, by using keywords in a search.

Good summary.

1. clearly and to the point about your professional skills and accomplishments.
2. observance of all grammatical rules
3. well-structured. HR specialist can easily find the information he needs, for example, by using keywords in a search.

Tips and tricks for writing a resume

There are no special secrets that no one knows. The main thing to remember: it should not be large (about 1 page), but informative. You shouldn’t make up things that aren’t there.

It often happens that companies give a resume template that a job seeker needs to fill out. It usually contains all of those items we talked about earlier. If you have your own prepared resume, it’s easy to fill out a form from the company.

Remember to double-check your resume for grammatical errors before you save it or send it. It may not seem important to you, but employers may well give a waiver because of them.

You can learn English to work for promising companies at our online English language school 2nite.

Good luck to you! Everything will definitely work out!

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